‘Normal’ body temperature is considered 36,5-37 degrees Celsius or 97.7-98.6 Fahrenheit.

‘Real’ fever is considered when the body reaches 38,5 C (100,4) and over.

Anything under the 38,5C is considered low grade fever.

Fever is a vital sign of our immune system doing what it was designed to do – getting rid off toxins. Generally speaking there is no need to treat the fever (homeopathically or conventionally).

Our body has the innate intelligence to keep us in homeostasis, every minute of the day, all of our lives. The body knows very well what to do and producing a higher temperature – making body hotter in order to ‘burn’ toxins out of the body.

If we keep giving Calpol/Tylenol or other suppressants, the body will eventually stop producing fevers, and the general well-being of the person will drop down to a lower level, with the potential of a chronic illness developing (over time).

In fact, there is no evidence that Calpol/Tylenol lowers a fever.

If we nurse the fever well, the chances of febrile convulsions are absolutely minimal.

How to nurse a fever?

  • Apply tepid warm water – never cold.
  • Hydration is very important – so keep up the fluids. 
  • Don’t worry about food intake, unless the child is wanting food, don’t force them, as digesting will be another strain for the body, on top of having to deal with the ‘toxicity burn off’.
  • It is normal for your child to be sleepy, so allow for plenty of rest.

Once the fever breaks – from dry to wet – that means the body is healing and getting through the illness.

A high fever is not necessarily meaning a more severe illness.

If the child appears well and responsive, and you are nursing him/her as per instructions above and using your instinct, there is no reason for any complications (unless there is an underlying health issue).

What to look out for?

  • If the temperature goes above 38 degrees for babies under 3 months old.
  • If the child is difficult to wake and seems delirious or confused or is very lethargic.
  • If there is difficulty breathing.
  • The skin colour appears grey or pale.
  • Bruising spots (as per meningitis symptoms below).
  • Is drinking less and in danger of dehydration.
  • Signs of meningitis (bacterial/viral):
  • high temperature
  • nausea and/or vomiting
  • headache
  • stiff neck
  • sensitivity to light

Rash is one of the typical signs of both types of meningitis. This rash is caused by the damage  to the cells which lead to capillary damage and mild blood leaks. This shows up as a faint pink, red or purple rash. The spots can resemble tiny pinpricks and are easily mistaken for a bruise. The spots can then grow darker and larger.

If you need help to treat a fever or any acute illness in your child, you can get in touch here.

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